Manage your training plan with peace of mind

  • Creation of your internal and external training catalog
  • Gathering needs directly from interviews
  • Training planning and follow-up (agenda booking, invitations, satisfaction surveys, etc.)
  • Budgetary and administrative follow-up
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dashboard empowill training plan

+350 HRDs trust us

Do you recognize yourself?

Excel is no longer enough to manage your training plan

Excel is a powerful tool, but it wasn't designed to manage your training plan. When you have a large volume to manage, and you need automation, historization and alerts, a specialist training management tool will save you time.

You lack compliance on certain training courses

These days, it's hard to keep track of your employees' mandatory certifications (CACES, for example), their validity and their retraining. As a result, compliance takes second place, and you take (avoidable) risks.

Your training plan's performance analysis is imprecise

You lack the means to measure the results of your training plan: attendance rate, level of satisfaction, budget invested, financing, etc. Producing reports becomes time-consuming, and the lack of reliable indicators undermines the legitimacy of your decisions.

Empowill facilitates training management


Customizable, interconnected catalog

  • Find your own training catalog on Empowill. Share it (or not) with your managers, customize its organization and link your training courses to your organization's key skills.
  • Track training usage, satisfaction rates and related certifications.
dashboard customizable training catalog empowill
effective empowill dashboard needs assessment
Gathering requirements

Effective needs assessment

  • Link your employees' training requests to your catalog, which is already set up in the tool.
  • Accept, reject or postpone requests, merge similar requests and then transform these requests directly into training in the plan of your choice.
  • Communicate easily with your teams.

Simple management of your training plan

  • Send training invitations and synchronize Outlook and Google calendars in just a few minutes.
  • Create and send personalized invitations and attendance sheets from within the tool.
  • Gather feedback from participants via a hot and cold satisfaction survey.
dashbord pilotage simple plan formation empowill
dashboard certification empowill

Manage all your certifications

  • Manage certifications specific to your organization, manage validity periods and share information with your managers so they can ensure compliance in the field.
  • Be informed when certifications expire, and automatically schedule training courses accordingly.
Budget management

Precise analysis of your costs

  • Calculate your forecast plan for prior validation with automated dashboards.
  • Easily manage operational costs (catering, transport, etc.) and enter costs linked to public funding (OPCO, CPF, FNE, etc.).
  • Manage your "non-production" costs by analyzing the salary costs of trained employees.
dashboard cost analysis training empowill
Joana Lopes
"The human aspect was a strong criteria for us in the choice of our tool, both in terms of the spirit and values carried by Empowill and in terms of our users' buy-in to enable them to have a pleasant experience. We felt there was a real HR vision behind the product, and we all spoke the same language."

Joana Lopes

Training & Skills Manager

Discover Empowill now

Empowill is the specialist in employee career management designed for French SMEs and ETIs. Reveal (at last) your team's potential and make people your primary engine of growth.

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Frequently asked questions

Yes, you can create your own training catalog directly in Empowill. You can add your own internal and external training courses, as well as the contact details of the training providers. Costs, duration, documents and links are all information you can enter to complete your catalog.

Empowill also enables you to generate statistics: ROI, employee satisfaction, usage rates, etc.

If you don't have a training catalog, you can still use the training plan. This is not a prerequisite for using the functionality.

Yes, Empowill lets you automatically manage the recycling of mandatory training courses such as CACES, SST, FCO, etc... Alerts will be sent to you via the application and by email to let you know when one or more employees reach the end of their clearance. You can then schedule training sessions accordingly, as part of your training plan.

Yes, managers can approve or reject training requests during the interview with the employee. HR teams can then accept or refuse the training request (giving a reason if they wish). The manager and employee concerned will be informed automatically.

Yes, you can export your entire training plan at any time, at the click of a button.

Yes, Empowill allows you to enter any applicable reimbursements or funding from various bodies such as the OPCO or the CPF in each training course.

Yes, of course, especially with the male/female, executive/non-executive, CDI/CDD etc. index.