Tailor-made support that's unique on the market

Deploying a new HR tool doesn't have to be painful. We know what HR teams go through every day, and we're here to make it more pleasant! That's why we offer the simplest, fastest and most personalized onboarding experience possible.

Customized Dasboard empowill RH solution

What is Empowill coaching?

Tailor-made account configuration, because every customer is different

Each new customer account is set up according to the following process:

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Meeting to define issues and objectives
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Data import (employees, history, skills repository, interview grids, etc.) and account optimization iterations
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HR team training and internal communication support
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Customized training for management teams
Empowill custom configuration

Easy connection to your software, because nobody likes double entry

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We are technically agile, and know how to integrate with your preferred tools to facilitate secure data flows and integration with your database.
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As soon as the project is up and running, we'll work on the possibility for you to update your employee database (entries, exits, modifications...) to avoid double entry with your payroll software.
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Unlimited access to our API is included in the subscription.
Empowill connection

Rapid solution deployment, because your time is precious

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To save you time, we take your data and propose pre-constructed maintenance schedules. Very little data is required to launch the application.
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Allow 2 to 4 weeks on average to deploy the Empowill solution.
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A market-record deployment, given that data integration is carried out entirely by our teams.
Empowill support

Local, responsive support, because your questions deserve answers

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Your account manager will guide you from getting started to mastering the platform.
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A digital training platform is at your disposal, so you can learn at your own pace. You can consult the modules at any time for a refresher.
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We organize monthly webinars to train HR and managers and answer their questions live. We provide reactive support to answer questions from all your users.
Empowill quality customer service

HR expertise at your disposal, because we speak the same language

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To stay at the forefront of your operational challenges and support you in your future projects, we put our HR expertise at the service of your performance.
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We're building a community of Empowill HR users. Share your best practices collectively with HR professionals who know your subjects. 
Empowill HR expertise
Joana Lopes
"The human aspect was a strong criteria for us in the choice of our tool, both in terms of the spirit and values carried by Empowill and in terms of our users' buy-in to enable them to have a pleasant experience. We felt there was a real HR vision behind the product, and we all spoke the same language."

Joana Lopes

Training & Skills Manager

Empowill, your reliable career managementco-pilot

Empowill is the specialist in employee career management designed for French SMEs and ETIs. Reveal (at last) your team's potential and make people your primary engine of growth.

Discover Empowill now

Empowill is the specialist in employee career management designed for French SMEs and ETIs. Reveal (at last) your team's potential and make people your primary engine of growth.

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