Choose a career management specialist designed for SMEs

Empowill is designed and conceived for small and medium-sized businesses. Discover how to structure and harmonize your HR policy while engaging your employees with a simple, intuitive tool.

+350 HRDs trust us

Simple, user-friendly HR software to harmonize and accelerate your entire HR policy

Extensive customization to suit your needs

Empowill has been designed to integrate seamlessly with your business processes, making it as easy as possible for users to use it on a day-to-day basis. We offer a high level of customization to ensure that your day-to-day use of Empowill is in line with all your business processes. 

  • 100% customizable rights management to guarantee data confidentiality
  • Advanced customization of attributes and employee data for detailed monitoring of your populations
  • Manager and employee interface adapted to access rights
  • SSO included and interfacing with your calendars to facilitate integration and maximize usage
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Empowill attributes and rights
Empowill skills

Map and manage skills (really)

Empowill enables you to harmonize skills management and anticipate recruitment and training needs throughout your organization. Manage your employees' careers in line with your organization's strategic challenges.

  • Build and maintain your skills repository
  • Keep track of all your employees' authorizations and renewals
  • Make informed decisions using a detailed multi-skills matrix
  • Anticipate mobility and train your staff accordingly

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Deploy a comprehensive and ambitious career management policy

Empowill enables you to set up an organization-wide personnel review process. Easily take stock with centralized data, identify your talents, anticipate mobility and track your action plan.

  • Highly flexible customization and configuration for dynamic staff reviews
  • Track progress and performance, and automatically integrate all relevant data to facilitate decision-making
  • Identify and engage your top talent with a personalized action plan and customized follow-up
  • Harmonize your practices and give global consistency to your talent management policy

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EMpowill Career Management
Joana Lopes
"The human aspect was a strong criteria for us in the choice of our tool, both in terms of the spirit and values carried by Empowill and in terms of our users' buy-in to enable them to have a pleasant experience. We felt there was a real HR vision behind the product, and we all spoke the same language."

Joana Lopes

Training & Skills Manager

Why do your peers choose Empowill?

+70% increase in HR team productivity

06Hours saved per week

98% interview completion rate

100% of managers use the solution

Discover Empowill now

Empowill is the specialist in employee career management designed for French SMEs and ETIs. Reveal (at last) your team's potential and make people your primary engine of growth.

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