Empowill, the perfect combination for managing your HR policy

Metalworking companies face specific human resources challenges as they need to maintain competitiveness and growth while meeting regulatory and safety requirements. Find out how Empowill can help you meet these challenges.

+350 HRDs trust us

Empowill helps companies in the metal industry to stay successful

Automatic management of skills and certifications

To carry out their activities successfully, innovate and remain successful, your employees need to be up to date with their certifications and accreditations.

Empowill makes it easy to track and evaluate the skills and certifications of each employee. Each certification is recorded and an update reminder is automatically sent to ensure your compliance with regulatory and safety requirements.

Accurate performance monitoring enables you to anticipate needs in the field and make better strategic decisions.

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dashboard empowill métallurgie
dashboard empowill anticipation des mobilités metallurgie

Anticipated mobility planning

Metalworking professions require specific skills and experience.

Empowill makes it easier for you to read these skills by mapping them and identifying employees in difficulty, so you can better develop the necessary expertise and anticipate mobility within the company.

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Improved employee commitment

At a time when recruitment is becoming increasingly difficult, you need to ensure that your employees are committed to achieving your innovation and transformation objectives.

Empowill is the career management specialist. This differentiating element enhances your teams' commitment by providing them with a clear career path and offering short, medium and long-term training and development prospects.

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Employee dashboard empowill metallurgie
Olivier Fournier
"Empowill, easily adopted on both the administrator and user side, is intuitive, pleasant and practical. Combined with a genuine relationship of trust, the responsiveness of the Empowill teams contributed greatly to deploying the solution under the best possible conditions."

Olivier Fournier

General Manager

Why do your peers choose Empowill?

+70% increase in HR team productivity

06Hours saved per week

98% interview completion rate

100% of managers use the solution

Discover Empowill now

Empowill is the specialist in employee career management designed for French SMEs and ETIs. Reveal (at last) your team's potential and make people your primary engine of growth.

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