Optimize your HR value chain with Empowill

Industrial companies are facing ever-greater HR challenges, so choose a solution specially designed to meet your needs.

+350 HRDs trust us

Empowill helps industrial companies harmonize talent management

Automatic management of skills and certifications

Your employees are highly qualified, efficient and certified to innovate and carry out their activities.

Empowill makes it easy to track and evaluate the skills and certifications of each employee. Each certification is recorded and an update reminder is automatically sent to ensure your compliance with regulatory and safety requirements.

Accurate performance monitoring enables you to anticipate on-site needs and make better strategic decisions.

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Empowill certification follow-up
Empowill training in the industry

Training management at the right time

With our training module, requests from your operational teams are instantly transmitted. Easily track your teams' expectations, communicate with your managers in just a few clicks, and build your training plan directly on the tool.

You can also consult your versatility matrix to anticipate training needs and upcoming departures. The result? You secure skills and keep your production lines running on time and at the expected quality level.

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Anticipating mobility and managing career development

With Empowill, you can implement a comprehensive career transition policy. Identify talents and changing professions, anticipate departures, then implement dedicated actions to support change. 

The centralization of data and the flexibility of the tool enable you to concentrate on what really matters: maintaining your production capacity and your HR attractiveness. 

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Empowill Industry personnel review
Clément Gaudio
"The support offered by Empowill was much appreciated. The whole team handled the platform quickly, and managers and HR save a lot of time. They now have better control over all the campaigns."

Clément Gaudio


Why do your peers choose Empowill?

+70% increase in HR team productivity

06Hours saved per week

98% interview completion rate

100% of managers use the solution

Discover Empowill now

Empowill is the specialist in employee career management designed for French SMEs and ETIs. Reveal (at last) your team's potential and make people your primary engine of growth.

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